List extensions that are opened with a specific application

Solution 1:

If you want all files with a certain extension (not the 1 specific file) to be opened by a certain app, do the following:

  1. Right click the file and click Get Info (or highlight file and hit cmd ⌘ + i )
  2. Change Open with: to preferred app
  3. Click Change All...
  4. Click Continue in the confirmation box

Is this what you meant to do? This is different from right clicking a file and choosing the 'Always open with' option. That seems to only apply to the specific file, not all files globally.

You will have to repeat this for each extension.

Get info screenConfirmation box

Solution 2:

Open the file ~/Library/Preferences/‌​plist in Xcode. The file contains all the bindings for extensions to applications.

Find/replacing the values did not work for me, since the file was overwritten every time. But you can use Find to get a list of all the extensions that are opened with a particular application and then change it by hand.