Mac wont boot and fan runs high

My Mid 2013 macbook pro recently will no longer boot. I was using it normally (no excessive use) and then all of a sudden it just went black and shut off immediately. I can no longer boot it (I got it to boot once but now it't having the same problem).

Basically, when I press the power button to turn it on, the fan runs really high then stops and wont boot. I have no idea what the problem is. Any help?

Apple's official guide has several good steps.

I would start with resetting the SMC: the System Management Controller.

If that doesn't work, reset the NVRAM (which isn't on the list) followed by attempting to boot to internet recovery.

  • NVRAM - Command Option P R
  • Recovery - Command R

Past that, you would need to open the machine and start removing all components that aren't part of the "minimal system" or take it to a technician that does that professionally.

Just fixed MacBook Pro stuck in Sleep and Fans running high. All you need to do is open up case and unplug the fans from motherboard! Somehow the temperature sensing must be in fan air and it senses high temp and shuts down computer with fans on high. Some how restarting computer doesn't reset things (design fault or firmware bug). But UNPLUG FANS and you're good to go. I did this while powered on and it sprang into life! Later I checked it powers down and reboots. Don't forget to plug fans in again before completion and fans "hey presto" run at normal speed. Apple engineers couldnt fix this and said we had to buy new board or computer $2k+. Good luck