What is the order of any type of "resurrection" in League of Legends [duplicate]

I know that there are several types of resurrection skills in LoL. What do I mean by the "resurrection" term?

Following skills and items can be categorized under the term "resurrection":

  • Champion Passive - Aatrox Passive
  • Item - Guardian Angel
  • Champion Skill - Yorick - Ulti
  • Champion Skill -Zilean - Ulti

To combine all of this, all of the other skills and items should be used on Aatrox. I'm just curious about what order these skills will take effect? Assuming;

  • Skills used just before first death
  • There is continuous damage that is applied on the champion Aatrox (say 3k true damage per second)

With above assumption what will happen? Has anybody ever tried this?

Note: If I forgot to mention any skill, passive or item that resurrects the applied champion please indicate them, too.

Solution 1:

I do not know how Aatrox fits into this, but I assume it is the same as Anivia's egg and the order goes as follows, from first to last:

  • Zilean's ultimate
  • Guardian Angel
  • Anivia's egg (I assume Aatrox's passive works the same)
  • Yorick's ultimate
  • Afterlife abilities (Karthus and Zyra's passives)

Also found this interesting thread on the subject from the LoL forums.

Tested on August 5th 2013.

There's also another answer that covers this quite well.