Can I change the default movement speed when ordering a unit to move in a battle?

Whenever I'm in a tactical (land) battle and I order a unit to reposition itself somewhere the men eagerly start running there.

As I usually don't want to tire the men at the start of a battle, I then have to manually click the movement speed button to have them walk to the new position instead?

Is there anyway to set the default movement speed for a unit to walking instead of running?

Solution 1:

Yes there is.

When you click once, they walk; when you double click, they run.

However, when you click and drag in order to have them face a particular direction, they will run by default; to make them walk instead, keep the Ctrl button on your keyboard pressed before releasing your mouse button.

Also worthy of note: if you click and drag while they are hidden, they will walk by default; so if you want them to run, you'll have to toggle running (press R on the keyboard). This only applies if your army is actively hiding, e.g. in a forest, not if not in view of enemy units, e.g. on the other side of a hill or behind the city walls.