How do I access Game Keys in the Desura Client?

Solution 1:

I've never actually used this section of Desura before, but it's called the 'Collection'. It doesn't appear to have a dedicated navigation spot in the client, but I found how to get to it anyway. Worth noting is that the Desura client is largely a glorified web browser that uses the Desura website as the content.

  • Go to your 'Gifts History' section through the dropdown menu at the top, or through the footer at the bottom of any non-library page.

History > Gifts History

Dropdown navigation to gifts


Footer Naviagation

  • Then click the link to your collection. It's near the top.

Collection link is near the top

Why you can only get to it through the gifts section, I have no idea. It does seem quite strange. Hopefully they streamline the client some more eventually, although it's been pretty unchanged for quite a while.