How to generate MD5 hash value for multiple files in a folder using cmd

Solution 1:

I know you asked specifically for cmd, but if you're using Windows 8.1 or higher, consider using Powershell instead:

Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 -Path (Get-ChildItem "\\path\to\files\*.*" -Recurse)

The Recurse switch is, of course, optional. You can pipe it to Export-Csv to get a list of files and their hashes.

You can use this in Windows 7, but you have to upgrade Powershell to version 4 first.

Solution 2:

You could use the following script:

for %%f in (*) do (
certutil -hashfile "%%f" MD5

Solution 3:

The standard way to run a command on multiple files in CMD is the for command.  You can get usage information by typing for /?.  A simple solution for your problem is

for %F in (*) do @certutil -hashfile "%F" MD5

Here %F is a variable.  You can choose any letter — any single letter — for the variable name (use the same name in both places, of course) — and note that it is case-sensitive (%F is not the same as %f).  If you do this in a script, use double percent signs (e.g., %%F).

The quotes around the second appearance of the variable ("%F") (as suggested by nullterminatedstring’s answer) are required if any of the filenames contain spaces.

You can put a list of filenames and/or wildcards between the parentheses; e.g.,

for %F in (file1 file2 a* b*) do …

certutil is somewhat verbose.  You may want to cut down on the chatter by saying

for %F in (*) do @certutil -hashfile "%F" MD5 | find /v "hashfile command completed successfully"

(to filter out the command completed successfully messages).