How can I make docker-compose pull images using a socks5 proxy?

Solution 1:

Looks like this feature has been recently added to docker, particularly in version 1.11.0. Though there isn't enough documentation about its usage, setting the ALL_PROXY environment variable should work, according to this comment.

$ export ALL_PROXY=socks5://localhost:port 
$ docker pull image

I'm not sure about docker-compose at the moment. If your primary aim is to speed up the download process using socks5, you might be able to achieve the purpose by manually pulling images using docker pull before finally running docker-compose up.

Solution 2:

@nikhilweee's answer above is missing a crucial point.

The proxy used for image-pull is taken from the environment of dockerd. There is presently no way to change it without restarting dockerd.

I have filed moby issue #37335 about it, because I wanted to use a specific proxy for a single pull command, but not in general.

Solution 3:

Method 1


docker-compose up 
Pulling web (jitsi/web:stable-6433)...
ERROR: toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading:

then setting HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY this way:

export HTTP_PROXY=socks5://localhost:9040/
export HTTPS_PROXY=socks5://localhost:9040/


docker-compose up 
Pulling web (jitsi/web:stable-6433)...
stable-6433: Pulling from jitsi/web
b380bbd43752: Downloading [===================>                               ]  10.36MB/27.14MB
0312863d422f: Download complete
503063a74a58: Downloading [============================>                      ]  7.998MB/14.15MB
392a862abfe3: Download complete
41a073b705ed: Download complete
a8f4844f6941: Download complete
f500f1f2f4ae: Downloading [============>                                      ]  11.69MB/47.56MB

A shot of before HTTP_PROXY and after setting them up:

enter image description here

Method 2

If method 1 did not work (simple one) you can go with this one:


Find systemd location for configuration:

systemctl status docker | grep docker.service\;
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

which here for my on Debian 9 is /lib/systemd/system/docker.service and its directory is /lib/systemd/system/
So cd into /lib/systemd/system/.


mkdir for docker.service.d or:

mkdir docker.service.d && cd !$


In docker.service.d directory create a .conf file like: http-proxy.conf


Add these in http-proxy.conf file:


NOTE that localhost:9040 is mine, update it if you have a different IP or PORT


Because we update the configuration run:

systemctl daemon-reload

and then restart docker service

systemctl restart docker

Now it is up and running:

enter image description here