Understanding Python's call-by-object style of passing function arguments

The key difference is that in C-style language, a variable is a box in memory in which you put stuff. In Python, a variable is a name.

Python is neither call-by-reference nor call-by-value. It's something much more sensible! (In fact, I learned Python before I learned the more common languages, so call-by-value and call-by-reference seem very strange to me.)

In Python, there are things and there are names. Lists, integers, strings, and custom objects are all things. x, y, and z are names. Writing

x = []

means "construct a new thing [] and give it the name x". Writing

x = []
foo = lambda x: x.append(None)

means "construct a new thing [] with name x, construct a new function (which is another thing) with name foo, and call foo on the thing with name x". Now foo just appends None to whatever it received, so this reduces to "append None to the the empty list". Writing

x = 0
def foo(x):
    x += 1

means "construct a new thing 0 with name x, construct a new function foo, and call foo on x". Inside foo, the assignment just says "rename x to 1 plus what it used to be", but that doesn't change the thing 0.

Others have already posted good answers. One more thing that I think will help:

 x = expr

evaluates expr and binds x to the result. On the other hand:


does something to x and hence can change it (resulting in the same underlying object having a different value).

The funny cases come in with things like:

 x += expr

which translate into either x = x + expr (rebinding) or x.__iadd__(expr) (modifying), sometimes in very peculiar ways:

>>> x = 1
>>> x += 2
>>> x

(so x was rebound, since integers are immutable)

>>> x = ([1], 2)
>>> x
([1], 2)
>>> x[0] += [3]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
>>> x
([1, 3], 2)

Here x[0], which is itself mutable, was mutated in-place; but then Python also attempted to mutate x itself (as with x.__iadd__), which errored-out because tuples are immutable. But by then x[0] was already mutated!