White noise in microphone with Ubuntu 20.04

Solution 1:

I was kinda able to do a workaround with my laptop, I'm not sure if it would work in your case.

I installed the "QasMixer" package via Ubuntu Software.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qasmixer

Then in the mixer Device pane select "hw:card" and there I saw the "mic" and a "internal mic".

The one making the noise was the "mic", so I turned it down and increased the level in the "internal mic", that one works fine.

You can tune it by recording and then listen at the same time in audacity or some other app so you can adjust the appropriate levels.

I'm not sure why that is, maybe this laptop has stereo microphone or something.

enter image description here

That solved the issue for me.

Solution 2:

Commands for Noise Cancelling Linux OS:After opening your terminal run the following command.

sudo nano /etc/pulse/default.pa

## Add Below line
load-module module-echo-cancel  
## Save & Close 

pulseaudio -k
pulseaudio --start 

If still not work open file again add below code end

Add these lines at the end of the file:

### Enable Echo/Noise-Cancelation
load-module module-echo-cancel aec_method=webrtc aec_args="analog_gain_control=0 digital_gain_control=1" source_name=echoCancel_source sink_name=echoCancel_sink
set-default-source echoCancel_source
set-default-sink echoCancel_sink