Ubuntu - Laptop shutsdown at login after some time

I have windows and ubuntu installed on a thinkpad L14. When I start my laptop I can choose wich OS I want to start. Windows is working properly by the way. When I reach de login screen of ubunto, after some time the laptop shutsdown. I had this problem before and I fixed it by going into recovery mode and fixing some broken packages. Now it's back and I can't fix it using the same method. I don't know what is causing it so here's what happened: I used my laptop to do an online exam, in wich I connected to a network my teachers made avaiable (on ubuntu). Then I turned of my laptop and when I tried to use it again at home It wasn't working. Below is a picture of what I got when I entered recovery mode. Maybe a graphics problem?

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Solved it. I started disabling drivers on BIOS. I also had the BIOS date and time different than the ubunto so maybe that was the reason. Thanks for the support anyway.