How can I make clicking Notify-OSD notifications bring me to their application/message? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Gnome-style notifications in Unity

I would like to be able to click on a notification so that the App opens and shows the message. Say I get a Pidgin message, a click on the notification should open the Pidgin message window and show the message so that i can quickly answer. The same goes for email notifications and thunderbird and so on.

Either the entire notification field should be clickable or there should be a button.

Is there any way I can get this feature?

Solution 1:

No, Notify OSD is crippled by design. It's there to display a message for a period of time and then vanish. That's all.

However there are alternatives. You can install notification-daemon and after a log-out-then-in you should be seeing bubbles you can interact with. They're themed in a similar way and notifications you miss will be sent to a tray (Notification Area/Indicator Applet) icon.

If you don't like it, just remove that package and do the log-out-in conga again. Notify OSD should take the helm again.

Solution 2:

Unfortunately Notify-OSD can't be used to open the application for which the notification is all about. So to answer your question, Notify-OSD is not clickable. Like its name connotes it only NOTIFIES users. Hope this helps.