Can I add a class to an HTML.ActionLink in MVC3

I have this code and would like to add a class to the link. Is it possible to do this in MVC3?

Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create")

Yes, you can just add another parameter with object representing css class:

Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create", CONTROLLERNAME, null, new { @class= "yourCSSclass"} )

It can be translated to:

Html.ActionLink(link text, action name, controller name, route values object, html attributes object)


To add custom styles, use this:

"Create New",
new { @class= "yourCSSclass", @style= "width:100px; color: red;" }

@Html.ActionLink("ClickMe",  // link text
                 "Index", // action name
                 "Home",  // controller 
                 new { id = 2131 }, // (optional) route values
                 new { @class = "someClass" }) // html attributes

Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create", null, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "className" })