In the Outlook 2007 To-Do Bar can I hide specific re-occuring appointments?

In outlook 2007's To-Do bar (the bar on the right with the Calendar, your task list and upcoming appointments), is there a way to hide a specific series of appointments?

I have daily appointments for scrum meetings, but I'm not interested in seeing the whole list of them.

I have a feeling this isn't possible, but anyone got any ideas?

Solution 1:

Can put the scrum meetings on a second calendar? It seems that only events on My Calendars->Calendar show up on the To-Do Bar.

Solution 2:

To hide reoccurring appointments and set up reminders, create a 2nd calendar. Use it for all those daily reminders like "fill in your timesheet". In the Home tab click on Open Calender. It gives an option to create a new calendar. On this calendar you can create those reminders and reoccurring appointments without having them clutter up your main calender or the To Do List. They will send out their reminders the same as on the main calender, even though the calendar they are on is hidden from view.

Solution 3:

There is a way to do what you're saying.

Go to To Do Bar options.

Un-check "Show All Day events"

Then just setup your reoccurring event that you don't want displayed in the To Do List as a full day event.

Your reoccurring event is now NOT displayed in the To Do List but is there on your calendar.

The only 'bug' is that actual appointments that are scheduled as a full day will not be displayed.

Solution 4:

While as far as I know you cannot hide items, you could colour them so they're easier to ignore. To change a recurring appointment open it (make sure you open the series) and click Categorize. You can choose a colour from the list, or choose All Categories to customize your colours.