How can I make zsh completion behave like Bash completion?

I switched to zsh, but I dislike the completion. If I have 20 files, each with a shared prefix, on pressing tab, zsh will fully complete the first file, then continue going through the list with each press of tab. If I want one near the end, I would have to press tab many times.

In bash, this was simple - press tab and I would get the prefix. If I continued typing (and pressing tab), bash would complete as far as it could be certain of. I find this behavior to be much more intuitive but prefer the other features of zsh to bash.

Is there a way to get this style of completion? Google suggested setopt bash_autolist, but this had no effect for me (and no error message was printed upon starting my shell).


Solution 1:


setopt autolist
unsetopt menucomplete

Solution 2:

What you want is probably this:

setopt noautomenu