Is it possible to change the delay before the dock appears in OS X on Mac?

There is a preference for the delay before the dock appears. You can change it by typing the following in Terminal:

defaults write autohide-delay -float XXX; killall Dock

Where XXX is a number of seconds. I set they delay to 10 seconds. I can still get the dock to appear if I want to, but it takes a long time and never appears by accident.

To reset the dock to the default behavior, type the following in Terminal:

defaults delete autohide-delay; killall Dock

Running defaults read and checking here revealed no plist setting to change the dock's show delay. Secrets.prefpane and TinkerTool reveal nothing either. Therefore, I'm going to assume that there's no way to change the setting.

This thread doesn't answer the question but may be somewhat useful :

I know it's a little tangential, but I recently stumbled onto an alternate configuration: Set it to always show, minimum icon size with maximum magnification. It still takes up a little bit of screen space, but I can get to it instantly, and so far I have fewer accidental activations because the small icons take up less surface area on the edge.