Unable to ping local machines by name in Windows 7

Solution 1:

Your findings seem to point to netbios resolver, which in turn makes this entry a suspect:
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Peer-Peer

Netbios node type p(2) - normally used only with Wins server (which I assume you do not have) - effectively disables any netbios name resolution broadcast.

This article describles problem very similar to yours and also links to Msoft technet article detailing how to reset node type to something more reasonable:

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
In the right pane of Registry Editor, delete the following values if they are present:

Note If the NodeType value is present, this value will override the DhcpNodeType value. If neither subkey is present and if no WINS servers are configured for the client, the computer uses b-node mode. If at least one WINS server is configured, the computer uses h-node mode. Quit Registry Editor. Restart the computer. Try to view workgroup computers on the network again.

Solution 2:

One interesting thing about your ipconfig /all output is that you have no primary dns suffix, you should go into the tcp/ip proprties for ipv4 on that adapter and add workgroup as your primary dns suffix and see if it is able to resolve the names for your other systems, most routers will add .workgroup to the names of the machines so the fqdn for your system would be scotty.workgroup. also check and see if you can ping WDTVLiveHub.workgroup by name. you should also add workgroup to the dns search domains list on the ipv4 settings for that adapter as well.

Solution 3:

Perhaps the server is unable to resolve the host name.

You could try to add the entry for WDTVLiveHub in the hosts file as: WDTVLiveHub

On Windows: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\

Solution 4:

Perhaps mixing on the same network devices that use iPv4 and iPv6 is the problem.

You might try to turn off iPv6 in the router and in Windows 7.