How to point to JRE home in DBeaver.ini


Specify the -vm argument after the -startup and -launcher.library arguments but before -vmargs. Additionally the path to the JRE should be on the line after -vm without the path quoted, e.g.

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_121\bin\server\jvm.dll

How did you install DBeaver? From the downloads page:

If you already have JRE installed on your computer you may disable JRE option in installer. However it is recommended to use JRE shipped with DBeaver (it won’t be break any existing JRE installation, nothing will be copied in system folders, registry or environment variables).

Did you disable the JRE option when installing?

For Arch/Manjaro users ...

sudo pacman -S jre-openjdk
archlinux-java status

The answer could be something like ...

Available Java environments:
  java-8-openjdk (default) 

Then you need to change the default environment with:

sudo archlinux-java set java-15-openjdk

That's it!

This is my solution for Linux users. Dbeaver configuration file is located in the following folder:


Edit dbeaver.ini by adding these lines at the top of the file:
