Are there any options to let cat output with color?

Solution 1:

A GNU package, source-highlight, seems to do the trick (though isn't using cat -- as John T points out, this isn't possible with cat specifically). It's available via apt-get on Ubuntu, and requires the Boost regex library. Check your package manager to see if both are available, otherwise you can grab them from the web. The GNU page linked earlier has a link to Boost, I think.

After installation, I created a new script in my path called ccat. The script looks like:

#!/bin/bash $1

Nothing fancy, just simplifying the less script they include with source-highlight. It acts just like cat when called in this fashion.

The included less script is a nice script to use as well, though. I just added the following to .bashrc:

export LESSOPEN="| /path/to/ %s"
export LESS=' -R '

That script is included in the online manual for source-highlight, as well.

I guess you could alias cat to call $1 if you felt like ignoring cat altogether, but that might not be desirable.

Solution 2:

To output syntax highlighted code with something like cat, I created a ccat command by following the instructions at

if [ ! -t 0 ];then
elif [ -f $1 ];then
  echo "Usage: $0 code.c"
  echo "or e.g. head code.c|$0"
  exit 1
pygmentize -f terminal -g $file

To output syntax highlighted code with something like less, I use vim as a less replacement.

alias less='/usr/share/vim/vim72/macros/'