How to get the coordinates for a selection in Photoshop

I'm using Photoshop CS5 and I want to display information (size and position) of the current selection. In the information window I can see the size, but for position it "only" shows the coordinates from the cursor position.

I want to see the position (left-top corner) of the selection all the time. Like in Paint.Net. There you can see the attributes of your current selection in the status bar. Is this possible in photoshop?

My workaround so far is: Move the cursor to the desired start location, remember the coordinates (I have to write it down because the workflow can be interrupted) before making my selection.

Press Ctrl+T (Command+T) to go to transform mode, then the top left coordinate shows as X, Y in the information window.

Unfortunately, there is no way to see the coordinates of the bottom right of the object, or selection for that matter.

Fortunately, this is possible. Make sure that the Navigator/Info palette is open: Window>Info. Then on that palette use the Info tab and look at the x/y and w/h shown near the bottom.

Try this (I tested it on Photoshop CC, might not work on older versions): create a new selection with the marquee tool - don't release the mouse button yet!

Now hold spacebar, and the small popup now shows the top left coordinates of the selection. This does not work for existing selections, but at least it works for new selections.

tip: holding the spacebar while creating a selection allows you to move it.