In C++, what is a "namespace alias"?

A namespace alias is a convenient way of referring to a long namespace name by a different, shorter name.

As an example, say you wanted to use the numeric vectors from Boost's uBLAS without a using namespace directive. Stating the full namespace every time is cumbersome:

boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> v;

Instead, you can define an alias for boost::numeric::ublas -- say we want to abbreviate this to just ublas:

namespace ublas = boost::numeric::ublas;

ublas::vector<double> v;

Quite simply, the #define won't work.

namespace Mine { class MyClass { public: int i; }; }
namespace His = Mine;
namespace Yours { class Mine: public His::MyClass { void f() { i = 1; } }; }

Compiles fine. Lets you work around namespace/class name collisions.

namespace Nope { class Oops { public: int j; }; }
#define Hmm Nope
namespace Drat { class Nope: public Hmm::Oops { void f () { j = 1; } }; }

On the last line, "Hmm:Oops" is a compile error. The pre-processor changes it to Nope::Oops, but Nope is already a class name.