A word which comes with meaning like "something that works in parallel"

I need to write about a technology which works with another in parallel.

What is a single word which means something like "something which works in parallel" or "works in parallel"?

Solution 1:

Being a developer, the first word I'd think of would be concurrent, however you can also use:

  • parallel
  • synchronous
  • simultaneously

Since you mentioned "writing about technology", I'd say that concurrent and synchronous would technically be the most correct in this situation.

wrt. Tom's answer, I really wouldn't feel the need to explain the meaning of concurrent (unless it was an introductory manual), because most developers (sysadmins, etc.) would already know what that meant.

Solution 2:

The most befitting word for your situation is "collateral", see below for derivation

Collateral derives from the Latin roots

col- = "together with/in"

later- = "side"

Therefore, it literally means "together at the side, or parallel"

Web definitions:

col·lat·er·al Adjective /kəˈlatərəl/ /kəˈlatrəl/

  1. Additional but subordinate; secondary E.g. the collateral meanings of a word

  2. Situated side by side; parallel E.g. collateral veins