What does a "man of leisure" do exactly? What is the definition and the connotation?

Solution 1:

A man of leisure is a man who has a source of income that does not require him to do any work.

Running Mr Dorrit's boarding school presumably did not require much of his time. Perhaps he employed a headmaster and would only be present a few times each year.

British National Corpus

The British National Corpus finds this use of the phrase in The Economist 1991:

"Mr Hoi returned home in August 1990, [...] A severance payment of DM3,000 ($1,740) has enabled Mr Hoi to buy a house and spend the past nine months as a man of leisure. He is thinking of opening a small shop."

(Mr Hoi worked in Germany and returned to his native Vietnam). It should be clear that Mr Hoi lives on his savings and does not (yet) work for a living.

It seems plausible that English usage of this phrase has been influenced by its appearance in commentaries on, and translations of, the works of classical philosophers:


“Leisure”, Aristotle observes, “is necessary both for the development of excellence and the performance of political duties.” (1329a1–2) The man of leisure, as he says in the Nicomachean Ethics, stands a better chance of obtaining excellence and happiness than does one constantly consumed by daily cares and woes. (NE 1177b4–27)

(from http://www.analyse-und-kritik.net/2008-1/AK_Nederman_2008.pdf)


Cicero contrasts the life of the man of leisure with that of those who have dedicated themselves to politics and the conduct of affairs (i.e. business).

(See http://fds.oup.com/www.oup.co.uk/pdf/0-19-924018-3.pdf)

Solution 2:

Perhaps I inhabit less exalted circles than RedGrittyBrick, but I chiefly hear (and use) man of leisure to mean someone who is unemployed. There is possibly some convergence in that a man of leisure will usually be able to claim unemployment benefit (or whatever the current euphemism is). Whether unemployment benefit constitutes a "source of income that does not require him to do any work" is a question of politics and economics that is probably best left to the reader.

Solution 3:

Man of leisure, in my opinion, does not have to work to support his or others' lifestyle. This may connote a wealthy man who inherited his money, or, alternatively, it could also depict a man who is "kept" by someone who has the means to provide him with such a lifestyle.

In other words, in its pure sense, it describes a man who is independently wealthy. And in a more modern or, dare I say, more "impure" sense, it is sometimes used to describe a high-end gigolo who himself has few financial concerns as the result of another man or woman's generosity. This interpretation is more commonly used in the gay community.