Groovy - How to compare the string?

This should be an answer

str2.equals( str )

If you want to ignore case

str2.equalsIgnoreCase( str )

This line:


Should be:

if( str2 == str ) {

The ${ and } will give you a parse error, as they should only be used inside Groovy Strings for templating

If you don't want to check on upper or lowercases you can use the following method.

String str = "India" 

def compareString(String str){ 
  def str2 = "india" 
  if( str2.toUpperCase() == str.toUpperCase() ) { 
    println "same" 
    println "not same" 

So now if you change str to "iNdIa" it'll still work, so you lower the chance that you make a typo.