Zsh only shows directory for current command?

I have my terminal set up to show the directory path:

enter image description here

However it only does this for the current command. Once I run another command the previous directory path isnt shown:

enter image description here

I find this quite jarring when Im entering commands, it feels like the terminal is "jumping" to me. I also cant see the timestamp for the previous commands. Is it possible to make the path stay shown for previous commands?

Im using Oh My Zsh and iTerm 2

This seems quite confusing a anyway I answered what I understood.

To add a timestamp on EVERY command.

Add this at your .zshrc: To show time in 24-hours format: export RPROMPT="%S%F{blue}%T%f%s"
Add this at your .zshrc: To show time in 12-hours (AM/PM) format: export RPROMPT="%S%F{blue}%t%f%s"
(The change is capital T and small t.)

To show working directory EVERYTIME.

Add this at your .zshrc:
export PROMPT="%S%F{blue}%~%f%s %F{green}>%f"

Hope This helped!