How to apt install package from PPA with same release name as official repo in an ARM computer?

I am trying to install blender 2.8 from here. I've run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender
sudo apt-get update

However, when I run apt search blender, it still shows me the version 2.79 version from the official bionic-updates repo.

I would try and specify the exact repo, but this ppa names the release as bionic main, i.e. super generic terms that overlap with the official names.

I've tried removing the sources.list file so that only the blender package in the ppa repo would get found, but that doesn't work either (Blender is simply not found at all). It seems as though the ppa is not seen by my system.

Edit: Result of apt-cache policy blender:

  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 2.79.b+dfsg0-1ubuntu1.18.04.1
  Version table:
     2.79.b+dfsg0-1ubuntu1.18.04.1 500
        500 bionic-updates/universe arm64 Packages
     2.79.b+dfsg0-1 500
        500 bionic/universe arm64 Packages

Edit2: Running sudo apt update confirms that we're hitting the ppa:

Hit:9 r32 InRelease
Hit:10 r32 InRelease
Hit:12 bionic InRelease
Hit:13 bionic InRelease
Hit:14 bionic-updates InRelease
Hit:15 bionic-backports InRelease
Hit:17 bionic-security InRelease
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
All packages are up to date.

... but it's still showing only version 2.79 as an option.

Solution 1:

Your architecture seems to be arm64.

There are no arm64 (only amd64) packages in that PPA.

If you need blender version from that PPA, you'll have to build it yourself from source.