Is it possible to provide an IP Address after flashing a new PC with Ubuntu image

I was wondering is it possible to provide an IP Address after flashing a new PC with an Ubuntu image? I'm flashing 3 raspberry pie for my K3S cluster and I was wondering if I can set a static IP address to my raspberry pie after I flash the SDCard from my laptop?

I think you are asking "How do I set my Netplan config on this newly-flashed SD Card before I insert the card into a Pi and boot it for the first time." If I've misunderstood, then please edit your Question to clarify.

  1. Use any File Manager to mount the SD Card and access the filesystem.

  2. Look for the /etc/netplan directory. Your network config is stored in there.

  3. Edit the .yaml file in that directory to assign your static IP address.

    See for how your .yaml file should look.

  4. Unmount the SD Card. Insert the SD Card into your Pi. Boot the Pi.