My Google Chrome shortcut Ctrl+Shift+M is not working
My Google Chrome shortcut Ctrl + Shift + M is not working
It works in Firefox but not in Chrome, any idea?
When I use the shortcut, my user profile shows up as a pop up.
Solution 1:
Yes, it's working but the shortcut is being caught by the normal window browser instead of the Chrome Developer Tools window.
For the Ctrl+Shift+M shortcut to really open/toggle the Device toolbar/mode (instead of opening the user profile popup), you need to be focused on the Chrome Developer Tools window. This is a PITA in my opinion.
This happens because this same shortcut is used to open this user profile selection popup (as described under Google Chrome feature shortcuts):
Log in a different user or browse as a Guest: Ctrl + Shift + m
Lastly, it seems that there is still no way to disable Chrome shortcuts, but only override them by assigning them to extensions. You can read more about this on this article.