BSOD "INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR" in Windows 7 on hibernation

Solution 1:

You get this bugcheck:


The INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR bug check has a value of 0x000000A0. This bug check indicates that the power policy manager experienced a fatal error.

The parameter 1 is 0x9 which means there was a fatal error:

A fatal error occured while preparing the hibernate file

The parameter 2 shows the error code which means unsuccesfull:

C:\Users\André>err 0xc0000001
# for hex 0xc0000001 / decimal -1073741823
  hrNyi                                                          ntdsbmsg.h
# The function is not yet implemented
  STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL                                            ntstatus.h
# {Operation Failed}
# The requested operation was unsuccessful.
  USBD_STATUS_CRC                                                usb.h
# as an HRESULT: Severity: FAILURE (1), FACILITY_NULL (0x0), Code 0x1
# for hex 0x1 / decimal 1
  ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION                                         winerror.h
# Incorrect function.
# 4 matches found for "0xc0000001"

By default Windows 7 sets the hibernation file to 75% of the RAM. And this maybe not enough to store all data and this results in the bugcheck you see.

You can use powercfg to set the size to 100%:

powercfg –h -size 100

Hopefully this fixes your issue.