All boot options are tried loop

I have read several questions and answers from different sites including:

"All boot options are tried" after updating BIOS

With no success.

I have a Samsung series 5 ultrabook, in which I installed an Original version of Windows 8.1 from a bootable USB (created using Rufus). Everything worked fine, Windows is already installed on my hard drive, however when I tried to restart the laptop I get this message:

All boot options are tried. Press <F4> key to recover with factory image using 
Recovery or any other keys for next boot loop iteration.

I disabled Fast BIOS and Secure Boot and selected UEFI and CMS mode (tried the other 2 also), but still gives me the exact same message.

What is more strange is that whenever I connect a bootable USB, I get this:

Press any key to start from USB...

If I don't press anything it goes and starts my Windows 8.1, but if I do not connect the USB I get the "all options are tried" message.

I've been researching this for a few days now, even contacted Samsung India which is where I bought but don't live there so it's not that easy to help me.

Please any help would be appreciated.


UPDATE: model NP530U4C-S03IN

So, after days of trying to fix my samsung laptop I found this great article:

I'm goint to add a few steps of my own specific for samsung series 5 with ssd for fast boot laptops:

  1. Boot off the Windows DVD or USB installation media
  2. Choose the "Repair" option, and the command prompt afterwards (the way to get there is different between Windows 7 and 8)
  3. Type in diskpart to get into the partition tool
  4. Use the commands list disk and list part to determine which disk is what. For me, Disk 0 was the HDD and Disk 1 was the SSD. The following instructions assume this
  5. Select the HDD: sel disk 0
  6. Delete all partitions on it: clean
  7. Create a 100MB partition for Windows 7 (change to 350MB for Windows 8): create part primary size=100 (or size=350)
  8. Format it: format fs=ntfs quick
  9. Assign it a letter: assign letter=f (if F: is in use, pick another one. Use list vol to see all volumes and their letters)
  10. Create a partition that fills the rest of the disk: create part primary
  11. Format it and assign it letter "C", as above
  12. Select the SSD: sel disk 1
  13. Delete all partitions on it: clean
  14. Reboot back into the Windows installation media and install Windows into the large partition that was just created
  15. Again, reboot into the Windows installation media and go into the repair command prompt
  16. Use diskpart's list vol and assign commands to ensure that both the boot partition (F:) and the Windows partition (C:) still have drive letters if not reassign them with C and F as before
  17. Again wipe down SSD disk as in 12 and 13
  18. Select the boot partition (sel part 1) and mark it as active: active
  19. Exit diskpart and type in: bcdboot c:\windows /s f:

So, at first I tried the exact same steps as the guide but windows still created the System Reserved partition on the SSD making it impossible to boot properly. I decided to give it another try with the corrections above and worked!

After all, I wanted to use ExpressCache for fast boot with the SSD so I retrieved all drivers from Samsung (like SW Update which is actually the most useful), installed everything recommended (including settings which is necessary for the ExpressCache). After all rebooted and installed ExpressCache and now everything is working fine!

Notes: After booting to my win8 I checked my disks partitions to verify that the SSD wasn't used and that the full of it was unallocated for ExpressCache to format it properly.

Hope this helps somebody 'cause it took me days to find this :)

I have the same problems but, I solved with some changes on Bios setup. I restarting a client's laptop with Win 7 that I recently installed, then I updated some drivers from Samsung Website. After that, the system wasn't starting and appears: "All boot options are tried. Press key to recover with factory image using Recovery or any other keys for next boot loop iteration." whaaatt??.. I said confused.

After reviewing some post and pages on internet I've solved the problem. It located in the same Bios, you need to restart the laptop again and press Tab, then Tab again to obtain option "Setup", then Secure Boot and locate disable Secure Boot, then on Os mode selection change to "UEFI OS and CSM" then, save and exit setup and restart your laptop again.

It works well, my client was happy with me. Thanks a lot for this post man. Greetings form Colombia South America..