What in the world is "neckbeard vomit"?

This is an "educated" guess based on my research...

It IS a compliment if you take the alternative meaning of "neckbeard" to refer to a programmer - one who's so focused that they work for a couple days straight without shaving - thus growing a visible amount of "neckbeard". (I got this connotation from a smattering of sites when I Google'd "neckbeard". There wasn't anything official - just comments on Q/A sites).

and then combine that with definition of "vomit" from the Urban Dictionary:

  1. vomit

Vomit-Superlative, or outrageous. More than sick. (Sick is a compliment too)

"That big wave was so sick it was vomit."

So "neckbeard vomit" could be the very excellent work of a dedicated coder.

The user in question gave his own explanation which is close but not quite identical to @KristinaLopez's suggestion:

@terdon - The accepted answer on english.stackexchange.com is pretty much right. A neckbeard (at least in the context used by my peers) is an older, wiser UNIX guru (usually someone who started using UNIX back in the sixties or seventies) and the context for "vomit" in this case refers to the unreadability, but succinctness of the answer.