What is a proper antonym of "achievement"

What word best describes the opposite of "achievement"?

It can have more than one interpretation:

  • met achievement that is not desirable
  • unmet desirable achievement

I'm interested in all you throw at me.

Thanks. (I'm not native speaker.)

(And misachievement doesn't really exist.)

Solution 1:

Unaccomplished [ˌʌnəˈkɒmplɪʃt]: not completed or done; unfinished.

Unfulfilled [ˌʌnfʊlˈfɪld]: not completed or achieved; unfulfilled ambitions

Unrealized [ʌnˈrɪəˌlaɪzd] : not made real or actual; not resulting in accomplishment, as a task or aim: unrealized ambitions.

Debacle [dē-ˈbä-kəl]

  • a : a great disaster
  • b : a complete failure : fiasco

"After the debacle of his first novel, he had trouble getting a publisher for his next book."

Solution 2:

Failure: An achievement is something that you have achieved. A failure is when you attempt something but are not successful.

Solution 3:

Demerit? When you do something and are awarded "negative" achievement. Kind of like the opposite of a gold star earned in a classroom.

Solution 4:

For "Unmet desirable achievement," I agree with @HellisHeat on failure. An emerging internet usage is an epic fail.

For a "met achievement that is not desirable," perhaps one of these phrases might help:

  • Golden Fleece Award, given by Senator William Proxmire, given for wasteful government spending.
  • Golden Raspberry Award, or a razzie, given for bad films.
  • dubious distinction, as in "He had the dubious distinction of the highest Flesch–Kincaid grade level for any user manual."

There may be another dimension of "met goal that was accidentally achieved." A noun to describe this would be serendipity.