Need one word that defines funny, clever but also blunt

Solution 1:

The phrase trenchant wit refers to humor that is “keen; biting; vigorously effective and articulate; severe”. Phrases mordant wit and caustic wit also sometimes are used. Synonyms or words related to those three suggestions include acidic, biting, burning, corrosive, searing; acerbic, bitchy, catty, mordacious, nasty, sharp, spiteful. But most of those are sharper than one desires for referring to humorous things.

Some related nouns (rather than adjectives) include repartee (“A swift, witty reply, especially one that is amusing” or “A conversation marked by a series of witty retorts”) and riposte (“a quick and usually witty response to a taunt, a retort”).

Solution 2:

Consider dry wit or dry humor

when the intent, but not the presentation, is humorous, blunt, oblique, sarcastic or apparently unintentional.

You might also consider deadpan

a form of comic delivery in which humor is presented without a change in emotion or body language. It is usually spoken in a casual, monotone or cantankerous voice, and expresses an unflappably calm, archly insincere, or artificially grave demeanor, often in spite of the ridiculousness of the subject matter.

Solution 3:

Deadpan, dry wit or dry humour all express the same type of humour that is delivered in quasi deadly serious tone, with little to no forewarning of the punchline in arrival. I would say the key elements to this type of humour is acutely observational, and nearly always self-referential. It is the contrast between the "comic's" expressionless stare and his resigned awareness of the futility of life that causes most hilarity among listeners.

Quote from wiki (where else):

Deadpan is a form of comic delivery in which humor is presented without a change in emotion or body language. It is usually spoken in a casual, monotone or cantankerous voice, and expresses an unflappably calm, archly insincere, or artificially grave demeanor, often in spite of the ridiculousness of the subject matter. This delivery is also called dry humor or dry wit, when the intent, but not the presentation, is humorous, blunt, oblique, sarcastic or apparently unintentional


Solution 4:


disdainfully or skeptically humorous


Solution 5:

I prefer snarky: sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner.