Should it be continual or continuous?

Here is the sentence in question:

• Dedicated to continuous learning in the workplace. • Dedicated to continual learning in the workplace.

I also feel that the sentence needs to be simpler.

Solution 1:

Continuous indicates duration without interruption while continual indicates duration over a period of time, with interruption.

Consider the following example from Daily Writing Tips,

The continual street repair disrupted traffic for nearly two years.

The sentence above indicates that the repair is ongoing over two years but is interrupted at certain intervals.

Now consider this use of 'continuous':

The continuous humming of the fluorescent lights gave him a headache.

This sentence implies that the humming is happening uninterruptedly over a period of time.

Now, in your case, if you intend to say that you were dedicated to scrupulously learning with no pause or interruption, continuous would be the word you're looking for.

However, continual would be the better choice if you were looking to say that the dedication was to learning over a period of time in the workplace.


I retract my last statement about continual being the better choice.

ngram graph

It seems like continuous learning is the better phrase to use.