How to stop a Daemon Server in Rails?

I am running my rails application using the following

  $script/server -d webrick 

on my Ubuntu system , above command run the webrick server in background . I could kill the process using kill command

  $kill pid

Does rails provide any command to stop the background running daemon server ?

like the one provided by rails to start the server , Thanks .

EDIT When it is appropriate to start the daemon server ? Any real time scenario will help Thanks

Solution 1:

if it can be useful, on linux you can find which process is using a port (in this case 3000) you can use:

lsof -i :3000

it'll return the pid too

Solution 2:

Like Ryan said:

the pid you want is in tmp/pids/

probably is the file you want.

You should be able to run kill -9 $(cat tmp/pids/ to bring down a daemonized server.

Solution 3:

How about a rake task?

desc 'stop rails'
task :stop do
    pid_file = 'tmp/pids/'
    pid =
    Process.kill 9, pid
    File.delete pid_file

run with rake stop or sudo rake stop