Using special abilities?

The special abilities of the Locksmith, Cleaner, and Pickpocket are fairly straightforward and easy to use. Locksmith simply gains faster picking speed and the Cleaner just knocks out any unsuspecting enemy he runs into. The special abilities of the Gentleman and the Redhead seem a bit more mysterious.

How do I disguise as a Gentleman and when his disguise drops, how does he re-disguise? As for the Redhead, how do I "charm" the enemies and what does this do exactly?

For Gentlemen, when he's exposed to guard/civilian sight, the disguise (white circle when exposed to enemy) will starting to worn out, when the white circle disappear completely, guards will start chasing you. When he's not exposed to enemy sight (dark circle when not exposed to enemies), he'll re-disguise automatically.

As for the Redhead, if an angry guard is pursuing your buddy, Redhead will cool him down by "touching" or stay on his sight, the guard will start following her. This effect will last as long as she keeps staying on his sight. However, her ability only works on 1 enemy at a time. You can check if her ability is ready to use by checking at the orange heart over her head