Can I hit with Ahri's Q more than twice?

I've seen Draven's Whirling Death will achieve a third hit if you flash over your ult to change its course to hit the enemy a third time. A variant with Blitzcrank can be seen here and the usage of 'teleport' here

(Active): Draven hurls two massive axes in a given direction, dealing physical damage to every unit struck. Upon reaching the edge of the map, striking an enemy champion or upon the reactivation of Whirling Death, the axes will slowly come to a stop before changing direction and returning to Draven

Ahri's Q is another out-and-back ability similar to Draven's ult.

(Active) Ahri sends out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back.

My question is, if you are able to flash over your enemy with Orb of Deception in flight, causing it to change direction, will it hit a third time? Will it deal magic or true damage on the third hit?

It is not possible for an ability to hit more often than it was designed to - if it does, it's a bug.

As you can see in this video, Ezreal's ult can hit the same target only once. Another example would be Veigar's Even Horizon - if the target manages to break the stun quickly enough to walk through the same Event Horizon, he will not be stunned again. Accordingly, it should be impossible to be hit more than twice by returning projectile abilities such as Ahri's Q, Sivir's Q, or Draven's ult.

It will do true damage as the orb is on its way back, you just change the position where YOU are, but its still on the way to you. The number of hits has nothing to do with the kind of damge it deals, only the direction it is heading.