Bought two games from Steam while abroad

I live in Ireland but currently in Hong Kong. I bought Farcry 3 and Dishonored today on Steam and I'm wondering if it will work when I'm back in Ireland?

When I was purchasing both games I just changed the billing address to the one I'm currently at in Hong Kong and it worked, the currency displayed are in dollars and not euros and there was no warning messages. I'm asking this question as I'm afraid those games could be region locked when I get back to Ireland and I end up wasting my money.

Unless there was a specific issue with a game you purchased in Hong Kong being banned in Ireland, you should have no issues playing the games you purchased.. no matter where you go.

Issues come up when you install and use Steam on a different computer (authorizing that computer), although this is not a numbers game (steam doesn't limit the number of computers). This issue isn't common, but it has happened on rare occasions.

Issues also come up if you haven't changed/fixed your billing address on the credit card you use for a purchase, but that's not so much a Steam problem as it is a problem with not keeping up with your own addresses.

So... feel confident that you'll have no problem continuing to play Far Cry 3 and Dishonored when you are back in Ireland.