How to open a page in incognito mode from HTML?

Solution 1:

You may achieve that with the JavaScript function windows.create(), it accepts an optional incognito parameter, see MDN web docs:

Whether the new window should be an incognito (private) window. Note that if you specify incognito and tabId, the ID must refer to a private tab — that is, you can't move a non-private tab to a private window.

Example: windows.create({"url": url, "incognito": true});

Check Browser compatibility.


Sorry, but above Solution won't work in a web page, as the windows object is not available there. It may only work for browser extensions.

Solution 2:

You could create a desktop shortcut and use the -incognito flag and the web address to get it done, as per the following page:

This is a bit worse than the "worst case" you outlined, but if you'll be testing the same pages repeatedly, it might not be so bad.

Solution 3:

According to this stackoverflow answer it is impossible

And because you don't want it because of privacy reasons, this is the reason why browsers have no such function. Browsers are made for the masses and there is a bit security and privacy way more important than a insecure function for a very special use case.