git flow branches have diverged

What happens here is that the remote has received updates, and git-flow requires that develop and origin/develop to be at the same commit before merging back the feature. This is to prevent bad conflicts when publishing the branch.

To solve this, you need to:

  1. sync your local develop with origin: checkout develop, and pull from origin to develop (git checkout develop && git pull origin)

  2. rebase your feature on develop with git flow feature rebase showFindLogs. You may have conflicts here if you're unlucky

  3. check that it doesn't break anything

  4. git flow feature finish showFindLogs

Make sure your develop branch is not behind origin, maybe you need to perform

git checkout develop

git pull

git checkout release/x.x.x

And continue the release process

you might also want to ((as long it is not officially supported) patch and) use my

git-flow feature finish -p option

All i had to do was:

  1. git checkout develop
  2. git pull origin develop
  3. git checkout feature/your_feature_name
  4. git flow finish