How to get path of current target file using NLog in runtime?

I use NLog with next configuration:

    <target xsi:type="File" name="f" fileName="${basedir}/logs/${shortdate}.log"
            layout="${longdate} ${uppercase:${level}} ${message}" />
    <logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="f" />

I tried to get FileName property of FileTarget (I check, that there only one FileTarget in collection)

var logFile = (from t in NLog.LogManager.Configuration.AllTargets
                where t is NLog.Targets.FileTarget
                select (NLog.Targets.FileTarget)t).FirstOrDefault();

But logFile.FileName contains only pattern of file name, exactly how it's specified in settings.

How can I get in runtime path of current log file?

This did the trick for me:

var fileTarget = (FileTarget) LogManager.Configuration.FindTargetByName("file");
// Need to set timestamp here if filename uses date. 
// For example - filename="${basedir}/logs/${shortdate}/trace.log"
var logEventInfo = new LogEventInfo {TimeStamp = DateTime.Now}; 
string fileName = fileTarget.FileName.Render(logEventInfo);
if (!File.Exists(fileName))
    throw new Exception("Log file does not exist.");

This method will work even if you have set async="true" (i.e. your target is wrapped by an AsyncTargetWrapper) in your NLog XML configuration:

    private string GetLogFileName(string targetName)
        string fileName = null;

        if (LogManager.Configuration != null && LogManager.Configuration.ConfiguredNamedTargets.Count != 0)
            Target target = LogManager.Configuration.FindTargetByName(targetName);
            if (target == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find target named: " + targetName);

            FileTarget fileTarget = null;
            WrapperTargetBase wrapperTarget = target as WrapperTargetBase;

            // Unwrap the target if necessary.
            if (wrapperTarget == null)
                fileTarget = target as FileTarget;
                fileTarget = wrapperTarget.WrappedTarget as FileTarget;

            if (fileTarget == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not get a FileTarget from " + target.GetType());

            var logEventInfo = new LogEventInfo { TimeStamp = DateTime.Now };
            fileName = fileTarget.FileName.Render(logEventInfo);
            throw new Exception("LogManager contains no Configuration or there are no named targets");

        if (!File.Exists(fileName))
            throw new Exception("File " + fileName + " does not exist");

        return fileName;

Targets can be wrapped multiple times (in my case I had a filter), so the following snippet is a more generic approach to unwrapping that works for multiple levels and doesn't make assumptions about target names.

Target target = LogManager.Configuration.FindTargetByName(targetName);
while ((target != null) && (target is WrapperTargetBase))
    target = (target as WrapperTargetBase).WrappedTarget;