In Mustache, How to get the index of the current Section

I am using Mustache and using the data

{ "names": [ {"name":"John"}, {"name":"Mary"} ] }

My mustache template is:


What I want to be able to do is to get an index of the current number in the array. Something like:

    {{name}} is {{index}}

and have it print out

John is 1
Mary is 2

Is it possible to get this with Mustache? or with Handlebars or another extension?

Solution 1:

This is how I do it in JavaScript:

var idx = 0;

var data = { 
   "names": [ 
    "idx": function() {
        return idx++;

var html = Mustache.render(template, data);

Your template:

    {{name}} is {{idx}}

Solution 2:

For reference, this functionality is now built in to Handlebars which has compatibility with Mustache.

Use {{@index}}

    {{name}} is {{@index}}

John is 0

Mary is 1

Solution 3:

In handlebars.js you can accomplish this with a helper function. (In fact, one of the advantages mentioned about handlebars here is that you can use helpers instead of having to rewrite the objects before calling the template.

So, you could do this:

  var nameIndex = 0;
  Handlebars.registerHelper('name_with_index', function() {
    return + " is " + nameIndex;

And, then your template can be this:


Your data is the same as before, i.e.:

{ "names": [ {"name":"John"}, {"name":"Mary"} ] };

And you get this output:

<li>John is 1</li>
<li>Mary is 2</li>

To make this really work, nameIndex needs to get reset each time the template is rendered, so to do that you can have a reset helper at the beginning of the list. So full code looks like this:

  var data = { "names": [ {"name":"John"}, {"name":"Mary"} ] };
  var templateSource = "<ul>{{reset_index}}{{#names}}<li>{{name_with_index}}</li>{{/names}}</ul>";
  var template = Handlebars.compile(templateSource);

  var helpers = function() {
    var nameIndex = 0;
    Handlebars.registerHelper('name_with_index', function() {
      return + " is " + nameIndex;
    Handlebars.registerHelper('reset_index', function() {
      nameIndex = 0;

  var htmlResult= template(data);

  var htmlResult2= template(data);

(This can correctly render the template twice.)