Any way to make notifications dark theme?

Mostly just the title here is an example of a notification now.

Example of notification

Solution 1:

Yes, there is, but not using the default dark theme, Yaru-dark. The problem is that Yaru does not have a dark theme for the shell (see this thread).

You can do the following:

  1. Install the User Themes extension.
  2. Install Tweaks: sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool.
  3. Install a theme that has a dark shell theme. One option is Arc, from the repositories: sudo apt install arc-theme, though it doesn't quite fit Yaru.
  4. Open Tweaks, move to Extensions and activate User Themes. Then go to Appearance, and under Shell pick Arc-Dark.

Your shell is now themed dark. I would love better suggestions than Arc-Dark.