Where GNOME Sound Recorder save sound clips?

Solution 1:

The application gnome-sound-recorder (version 3.28.1) saves files in the ~/Recordings/ folder, ie it creates a folder called Recordings in the users home directory. A search for ".mp3" won't find the files as they are saved as ".ogg" (OggVorbis).

This can be confirmed, as Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy indicates, by using strace, eg:

strace -e trace=%file,openat -o "| grep AT_FDCWD" gnome-sound-recorder

which gives output like:

openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/USER/Recordings/Clip 1", O_RDONLY) = 20


As of 2022-02-05, on Kubuntu 21.04 using gnome-sound-recorder "40.beta" (40~beta-1) the file is named Recording 1 and placed in /home/$USER/.local/share/org.gnome.SoundRecorder/. @PaulM reports it being placed in ~/.var/app/org.gnome.SoundRecorder/data/org.gnome.SoundRecorder (v.40.0).
