How can I map between two enums using Automapper?

I have a public facing interface that I'm trying to map two different enumerations to each other. I tried to use the following code:

Mapper.CreateMap<Contract_1_1_0.ValidationResultType, Common.ValidationResultType>();

When that didn't work, I tried:

Mapper.CreateMap<Contract_1_1_0.ValidationResultType, Common.ValidationResultType>().ConvertUsing(x => (Common.ValidationResultType)((int)x));

But that doesn't seem to work either. Is there anyway to get automapper to handle this scenario?

Solution 1:

Alternatively to writing custom converters, just use ConvertUsing()

Mapper.CreateMap<EnumSrc, EnumDst>().ConvertUsing((value, destination) => 
        case EnumSrc.Option1:
            return EnumDst.Choice1;
        case EnumSrc.Option2:
            return EnumDst.Choice2;
        case EnumSrc.Option3:
            return EnumDst.Choice3;
            return EnumDst.None;

Solution 2:

You don't need to do CreateMap for enum types. Just get rid of the CreateMap call and it should work, as long as the names and/or values match up between enum types.

Solution 3:

My Automapper works this way:

If I create a map: Automapper will match enums by value, even if name match perfectly.

If I do not create a map: Automapper will match enums by name.

Solution 4:

The Simplest Way I found that work for me is as below:

My Enum is a nested in another class so I Use ForMember method and MapFrom as below:

 Mapper.CreateMap<ProblematicCustomer, ProblematicCustomerViewModel>()                
            .ForMember(m=> m.ProblemType, opt=> opt.MapFrom(x=> (ProblemTypeViewModel)(int)x.ProblemType))
            .ForMember(m=> m.JudgmentType, opt=> opt.MapFrom(x=> (JudgmentTypeViewModel)(int)x.JudgmentType));

The ProblemType and JudgmentType are Enums. And their related View Models are ProblemTypeViewModel and JudgmentTypeViewModel with same members as their related Models.

Although I don't test, But I think below line should work for you:

Mapper.CreateMap<Contract_1_1_0.ValidationResultType, Common.ValidationResultType>()
           .ForMember(m=> m, opt => opt.MapFrom(x=> (Common.ValidationResultType)(int)x);

Hope it Help.

Solution 5:

The other answers here didn't work for me.

You need to create a class that implements:

ITypeConvertor<SourceType ,DestinationType>

So as an example

 Mapper.CreateMap<EnumType1.VatLevel, EnumType2.VatRateLevel>()
       .ConvertUsing(new VatLevelConvertor());

And the class:

internal class VatLevelConvertor : ITypeConverter<EnumType1.VatLevel, EnumType2.VatRateLevel>
    public EnumType2.VatRateLevel Convert(ResolutionContext context)
        EnumType1.VatLevel value = (EnumType1.VatLevel)context.SourceValue;
        switch (value)
            case EnumType1.VatLevel.Standard:
                return EnumType2.VatRateLevel.Normal;
            case EnumType1.VatLevel.Reduced:
                return EnumType2.VatRateLevel.Lower;
            case EnumType1.VatLevel.SuperReduced:
                return EnumType2.VatRateLevel.Other;
                return EnumType2.VatRateLevel.Other;