How to set focus to a materialUI TextField?

Solution 1:

You can use the autoFocus attribute.

<TextField value="some value" autoFocus />

Solution 2:

For React 16.8.6, you should use the inputRef property of TextField to set focus. I tried ref property but it doesn't work.

  inputRef={input => input && input.focus()}

Material-ui doc says:

inputRef: Use this property to pass a ref callback to the native input component.

Solution 3:

autoFocus was also not working for me, perhaps since this is a component that's not mounted when the top-level component loads. I had to do something a lot more convoluted to get it to work:

function AutoFocusTextField(props) {
  const inputRef = React.useRef();

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
    }, 100);

    return () => {
  }, []);

  return <TextField inputRef={inputRef} {...props} />;

Note that for some reason it does not work without the setTimeout. For more info see