How to rename quick access shortcut without renaming the original folder name? [duplicate]

Windows does not have the ability to rename Quick Access pinned items, so one needs to rather use the workaround of pinning a symbolic link to the folder.

The procedure is described in the article Rename Quick Access pinned folders in Windows 10 in detail and with screenshots. Here is the bare method :

  1. Unpin from Quick Access the folders you wish to rename.

  2. Create a new empty folder, for example c:\Users\your_name\Pinned Folders.

  3. Open a new Command Prompt (CMD) window and type the following command per each folder to pin:
    mklink /J "%userprofile%\Pinned Folders\New Name" "c:\path\folder to pin"
    (%userprofile% is same as c:\Users\your_name)

  4. Right click the items in %userprofile%\Pinned Folders and pin them to Quick Access.