Keytweak / Sharpkeys on Windows Doesn't Rekey

I lost my beloved Q key a few months back. I changed Q to an extra key on my keyboard, but when I updated to Anniversary (1607), I lost my key, which I have since been unable to change back using KeyTweak and then Sharpkeys. I suspect my registry is being "repaired" when I start my computer. Is there any way I can fix this problem?

Solution 1:

Solution 1: AutoHotkey Remapping

AutoHotkey can be used for Remapping Keys and Buttons. However, consider AutoHotkey's limitation below.

The script Capslock::q would make the Caps Lock behave like Q.

Limitation: AutoHotkey's remapping feature described below is generally not as pure and effective as remapping directly via the Windows registry. For the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, see registry remapping.

Solution 2: Modify Keyboard Layout

Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator can "modify an existing keyboard layout and build a new layout from it." Since a keyboard layout is handled at a system level, it should be more compatible (than AutoHotkey) with all applications.

Note: Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator does not specifically support Windows 8, 8.1, or 10. Users have had mixed success applying a new layout (Source: Custom keyboard layout with Windows 10). One user recommended a third-party application Keyboard Layout Manager which creates more compatible layouts.