Debian XFCE screen locking and session logout

I am using Debian 9, kernel 4.9.0-1 and xfce 4.12.3 and I have a problem that after I lock the screen and close the lid of my laptop and later open the lid I will be prompted with the session login (same login that prompts the first time I boot into the system) and after that with the screen locker. Is there a way to disable this session login and only have screen locker because it is tiresome to type username and password every time I close the lid.

Solution 1:

In settings manager "Session and Startup" choose the "Application Autostart" tab and uncheck "Screen Locker" - keep "Screensaver" checked

Here is the screenshot. Menu > Sessions Startup > Application Autostart


Solution 2:

Also check the Xfce Power Manager, on the Security tab, there is a dropdown for 'Automatically lock the screen ' and a checkbox for 'Lock screen when system is going for sleep' as these could also be locking your screen.