Re-enabling backspace as "go back" in recent Chrome [duplicate]

The latest version of Google Chrome has changed the hotkey for 'back' from backspace to alt + backspace. The new combination doesn't work on my laptop, however I would actually rather stick with the older key anyway.

I've read in other questions that Chrome doesn't allow you to customise shortcuts, however is there any way to either re-enable the original shortcut or to override it back to being just backspace?

Chrome screenshot

I'm running Windows 10.

Google has now published an official extension: 'Go Back With Backspace', to re-enable the backspace button as the hotkey for 'back'.

Re-enables the backspace key as a back navigation button (except when writing text). Go back with the backspace button! This extension re-enables the backspace key as a back navigation button -- except if you're writing text.

Before Chrome 52, the backspace key navigated back (if you weren't writing text). Many people lost their progress while working online by accidentally pressing backspace and leaving a page -- so we removed the feature from Chrome, and created this extension for those who prefer the old behavior.

This extension can't restore backspace on certain special pages, for example any of the "chrome://" pages such as Settings or Extensions.

About the "all sites" permission: In order to capture backspace on every page, the extension needs to install a little piece of code on each one. It does nothing else with the the page, its information, or your typing.


It isn't working for you because, confusingly, it isn't Alt + Backspace, it's actually Alt + ← (the left arrow key).

If you want to maintain the old shortcut without adding an extension, add this CLI command to your Google Chrome link (right-click shortcut > Properties > "Target"):

--enable-blink-features=BackspaceDefaultHandler --test-type

So in my case, the target becomes:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --enable-blink-features=BackspaceDefaultHandler --test-type

Credit to Mattias

The Backspace to go Back extension reverts to the pre-52 chrome behavior that you want.