When I start my computer (Windows 7 Pro 32-bit) I get the following message:

Configuring Windows Updates

0% Complete

Do not turn of your computer

This stays on the screen for about 5 minutes, then it says

Failure to configure Windows updates.

Reverting changes .

And then boots normally.

This only started happening a few days ago, and as far as I am aware, I haven't changed anything significantly, I'm assuming it is because of a Windows Update that it installed itself.

Anyone know how I can get rid of this?

I had exactly the same problem this morning 64-bit win7. I usually choose the option for windows to update itself when I shut down the computer.

To try to get around the problem I started Windows Update manually. Told it to install the updates and then rebooted when it asked to.

Next upstart was normal and the problem was gone.

Same problem happened to me yesterday on my Win7 64-bit laptop. I was able to (finally) update successfully when I disconnected the Dell external monitor. From what I have gathered online this may have to do with hardware, so I'd try disconnecting all external hardwares, remove all memories cards and give it another shot.

[Update] It happened to me again, and unplugging the ext. monitor didn't work this time. I went into windows update and updated the packages manually rather than waiting for them to install during shutdown, and I was able to install reboot successfully.